Important: New ACM Open Access publishing model for ICIMMI-2024. Free publishing options available for eligible authors. Discounted APC rates for lower-middle-income countries.
Full Paper Submission Date
Sept 15, 2024
Notification of Acceptance
Oct 30, 2024
Revised Paper Submission
Nov 15, 2024
Early Bird Registration
Nov 20, 2024
Late Registration
Nov 25, 2024
Conference Dates
Dec 23-24, 2024

Introducing with great excitement: ICIMMI 2024, in partnership with IIIT Nagpur, Asia University Taiwan, and Namibia University.

“This groundbreaking event marks a new era of innovation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange. Join us as we unveil a remarkable conference experience that will shape the future of technology and academia.”

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  • 1. IIIT Nagpur: Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur, is a prestigious institution of higher education in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science it is one of the leading institutes in India dedicated to fostering excellence in education, research, and innovation. With a focus on providing industry-relevant curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and a vibrant academic environment, IIIT Nagpur aims to nurture the next generation of technocrats and leaders in the IT industry.
  • 2. Asia University: Asia University , located in Taiwan, is a prestigious institution renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and innovative research. With a diverse and vibrant campus community, Asia University offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields. With a focus on global perspectives, interdisciplinary learning, and practical skills development, Asia University prepares students to excel in their chosen careers and make a positive impact in the world.
  • 3. Namibia University: Namibia University provide exceptional education and a vibrant learning community. This institution is dedicated to nurturing intellectual growth, fostering critical thinking skills, and promoting a spirit of innovation. With a wide range of academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive faculty and aim to empower their students to become future leaders and contribute positively to society. The Namibia University provides transformative educational journey, where knowledge meets opportunity.

Technically Co-Sponsored by

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Indian Society for Technical Education

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Indian Society for Technical Education

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Indian Society for Technical Education